本文来源于《比较》 2014年第2期 出版日期:2014年4月
- 当观念超越利益:偏好、世界观和政策创新
- When Ideas Trump Interests: Preferences, Worldviews, and Policy Innovations
by Dani Rodrik 丹尼·罗德里克
- 腐败:供给侧与需求侧解决方案
- Corruption: Supply-side and Demand-side Solutions
by Avinash Dixit 阿维纳什·迪克西特
- 经济学家关于收入不平等的通信
- Correspondence between Economists about Income Inequality
- by Robert Solow, Gregory Mankiw, Richard Burkhauser and Jeff Larrimore
罗伯特·索洛 格里高利·曼昆 理查德·博克豪瑟 杰夫·拉瑞莫尔
- “资本家的新天堂”:就业岗位?
- ‘Brave New Capitalists’ Paradise’: The Jobs?
- by Benjamin M. Friedman
特稿Special Feature
- 从金融危机中复苏:来自100个案例的证据
- Recovery from Financial Crisis: Evidence from 100 Episodes
- by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff
卡门·莱因哈特 肯尼斯·罗高夫
- 金融周期和宏观经济学:我们学到了什么?
- The Financial Cycle and Macroeconomics: What Have We Learnt?
- by Claudio Borio
金融论坛Financial Forum
- 确保建立负责任的金融行业
- Ensuring a Responsible Financial Sector
- by The Ditchley Foundation
- 银行监管理念与方式的反思:监管规则的简单性、可比性和风险敏感性
- Rethinking Banking Supervision Philosophy and Approaches:Simplicity, Comparability and Risk Sensitivity
- by Wenhong Li
法和经济学Law and Economics
- 无法律的秩序?加州淘金热时期的产权状况
- Order without Law? Property Rights during the California Gold Rush
- by Karen Clay and Gavin Wright
凯伦·克莱 加文·赖特
改革论坛Reform Forum
- 城镇化中住房制度的理论分析框架和相关政策建议
- The Analysis Framework and Policy Recommendations of Housing System in Urban
- by Haizhou Huang, Chao Wang and Hui Wang
黄海洲 汪超 王慧